
Chinese herb Keteleeria Yunnanensis, Chinese Materia Medica

Submitted by 药草吧 on Fri, 10/21/2022 - 00:51


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Yunnan keteleeria
Yun Nan You Shān
Alias fir pine, pine shell collateral tree, fir pine bud, fir old tree, fir tree
The source was first published in Annals of Gymnosperms of China.
Basic source: the root bark of Keteleeria Yunan, a pinaceae plant.
Latin plant animal mineral name: keteleeria evelyniana Mast.

Harvesting and storage: can be harvested all year round, fresh or dried in the sun.

Habitat distribution Ecological environment: Growing in the mountain forest at an altitude of 700-2600m.
Resource Distribution: Distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

The original form of trees, up to 40m, chest circumference up to 1m. Bark rough, dark grayish-brown, irregular deep longitudinal cleft; Annual branches pink or light maroon, hairy. Leaves striate, in 2 rows on collaterals, 2-6.5cm long, 2-3.5mm wide, apically apically obtuse (sharp on saplings and budding targets) with 2-10 stomatal lines above and 14-19 stomatal bands below, with raised midveins on both surfaces. Monoecious; Male conidia fascicled in shoot tips or leaf axils, female conidia erect, isolated on tips of short branches. Cones cylindrical, erect, 9 -- 20cm long, 4 -- 6.5cm diameter, species scales obliquely square ovate, distal narrowing, apex reversely curved, margin ventrate, scale dorsal surface partially glabrous or subglabrous; The bract scales are about half as long as the species scales. Seeds have thick membranous long wings, subequal to seed scales.
Sexual flavour sheen; Of temperature
Function: : Remove blood stasis, detumescence, detoxification. Main fall injury; Fracture; Sore carbuncle. Paint boils
Usage and dosage For oral administration: 9-15g decoction. External use: appropriate amount, fresh, fried water; Or apply.
Each elaboration "Xinhua Materia Medica Compendium" : Root skin: taste xin, sex warm. It has the functions of removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and setting bones. Used for injuries, fractures, sores, lacquer sores and other diseases. Water fried, wine, external use appropriate amount.
Excerpts from Chinese Materia Medica
