
A bag of flowers of Chinese herbal medicine, a bag of flowers of Chinese Materia Medica

Submitted by 药草吧 on Mon, 10/17/2022 - 23:26


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A bag of flowers
Pinyin Zhuyin
Yì B ā o Hu ā
Red Flower Pours Water Lotus.
Source of medicinal materials: It is the whole herb of Qujiang Polygala tenuifolia or large leaf Taurus.
Latin plant animal mineral name: 1. Polygala koi Merr. 2. Polygala latouchei Franch
Harvesting and storage: Harvest in spring and summer, cut into sections and dry in the sun.
habitat distribution 
Ecological environment: 1. It is born on rocks in dense forests in valleys at an altitude of 900-1000m.
2. It grows on rocks under forests or on hillsides and grasslands with an altitude of 700-1300m.
Resource distribution: 1. It is distributed in Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, etc.
2. It is distributed in Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, etc.
1. Qujiang Polygala tenuifolia subshrub, 5-15cm high. The lower part of the stem is woody, creeping on the ground, much branched, often with raised leaf scars; The upper part of the stem is leafy, erect, slightly curved and sparsely pilose. Single leaf alternate; The petiole is 5-15mm long; The leaves are papery or thick papery, oval or wide oval, 1.5-7cm long, 0.6-3cm wide, blunt or short pointed at the apex, nearly circular, wide cuneate or cuneate at the base, entire, slightly involute, green above, light green with purple below, hairless on both sides or covered with white small bristles along the leaf margin. Flowers bisexual, racemes terminal, simple 1 or in pairs; The flowers are dense, about 1cm long, purple red; Pedicel about 2mm long, glabrous; Bracteoles not falling when flowering, membranous, oblong ovate, nearly as long as pedicels; Sepals 5, deciduous after anthesis, membranous, 3 outer ones about 3mm long, 2 inner ones elliptic obovate, about 7mm long, with 5 veins; Petals 3, 9 mm long, less than 1/2 connate, keel petal with 2 deep lobed cockscomb appendages; Stamens 8, filaments below 5/7 connate into sheath; Ovary oblate, winged, with disk, glabrous, apex concave, upper part of style enlarged, apex hooked. Capsule oblate, about 4mm in diameter, apex concave, narrowly winged. Seeds ovoid, black, papillose, sparsely white pubescent, caruncle winged 2-lobed, as long as or slightly longer than the seeds. The flowering and fruiting periods are from May to August.
2. The difference between this species and Qujiang Polygala tenuifolia is that the petiole has narrow wings; The leaves are ovate, obovate or elliptic lanceolate, 3.5-8cm long and 1.5-2.5cm wide, with oblique base and light purple back. Outer sepals several equal; There are 2 pieces of chicken coronal appendages with 3 lobed apices; Petals connate below 3/4. The flowering and fruiting periods are from March to May.
Character identification (1) The young stem of Qujiang Polygala tenuifolia is close to pubescent or hairless. The leaves are mostly fleshy, oval, 1.5-4cm long, 0.6-1.5cm wide, blunt or nearly round at the top, cuneate or nearly round at the base, entire, glabrous or covered with small bristles along the leaf margin, light purple on the back, glabrous, with 3 lateral veins, inconspicuous, and the petiole is 5-10mm long. The air is weak and the taste is light.
(2) The stem of this product is long and thin, with round protuberant leaf scars at the lower part. The leaves are papery, dense in the upper part of the stem. The complete leaves are oval lanceolate to obovate, elliptical lanceolate, 3.5-8cm long and 1.5-2.2cm wide. The apex is acute, with a short bone tip. The base is oblique, nearly round, the upper surface is covered with small setae, the back is dark purple, hairless, and the lateral veins are arcuate; Petiole narrowly winged, pubescent. The air is weak and the taste is light.
Sexual taste
Xin; Bitter; flat
Functional indications
Resolving phlegm and relieving cough; Promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation. The main cough is phlegm; Throat swelling and pain; Infantile malnutrition; Injuries caused by injuries; Irregular menstruation
Usage and dosage
Internal use: decoction, 6-15g; Or at the end of the research.
Chinese Materia Medica
