
Chinese herb Yunnan Mountain plum blossom, "Chinese Materia Medica" Yunnan mountain plum blossom traditional Chinese medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Fri, 10/21/2022 - 00:49


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Yunnan plum blossom
Yun Nan Shān Mei Huān
Alias southwest mountain plum blossom.
English name Delavay Mockorange
The source begins in (A Guide to the Higher Plants of China).
Basic source: The root bark of Yunnan Plum blossom of the family of Tigeria.
Latin botanical animal mineral name: Philadelphus delavayi L. Henry.

Habitat DISTRIBUTION Ecological environment: in the forest, shrub or beside the village at an altitude of 1700-3200m.
Resource Distribution: Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.

The original form of Yunnan mountain plum deciduous shrub, 2-5m tall. Branchlets purplish, subglabrous; Bark brown, sloughed. Leaves opposite; Petiole ca. 9mm, villous; Leaf blade ovate to narrowly ovate, 3 -- 9 x 1 -- 6cm, apex acuminate, base rounded, margin serrate, above subglabrous, below densely puberulent. Cymes racemose or cyme, ca. 11cm long, with 7-11 flowers; Pedicels 5 -- 6cm long, sparsely pilose; Calyx tube ca. 3mm long, sparsely pilose or white-pink, lobes 4, purple-green, subovate, ca. 5mm long, ca. 4mm wide, apex acuminate, margin and both surfaces more or less pilose; Petals white, rhomboid broadly elliptic, ca. 1cm long, ca. 9cm wide, apex emarginate; Stamens many, 4-6mm long; Ovary hemiinferior, style 3 -- 5mm long, 2-lobed only upper end, or joined near stigma, stigma 4, 1 -- 3mm long. Capsule, 4-valved. Seeds small, numerous. Flower and fruit from May to September.
To the liver; Kidney meridian
Sexual flavour sheen; wen
Function treating blood circulation, pain relief, malaria interception. Main fall injury; Low back and rib pain, malaria
Usage and dosage For oral administration: decocted soup, 6-15g. External use: appropriate amount, tamping compress.
Each DISCUSS "Xinhua Materia MEDICa COMPendium" : ROOT skin: HAVE blood circulation, analgesIC function, USE at malaria, contusion. Pain in the lower back.
Excerpts from Chinese Materia Medica
