
Chinese herbal medicine a red, "Chinese Materia medica" a red Chinese herbal medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 01:36


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A red
Phonetic symbols

Yi K ǒ u Hon ɡ

The alias

A mouthful of blood.

The English name

Herb of pedunculoside


It was first published in "Hubei Herbal Medicine Annals".


Medicinal material base source: for the Holly plant long stem Holly leaves and branches.

Latin plant animal mineral name: Ilex pedunculosa Miq.

Harvesting and storage: year-round harvesting and drying.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: It often grows in the hillside scrub and alpine undergrowth at an altitude of 1000-1300m.

Resource DISTRIBUTION: DISTRIBUTED IN Shaanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

The original form

Long-pedunculated Holly evergreen shrubs, 4-5m tall. Branchlets stout, cylindrical, glabrous. Petiole 1-2cm long; Leaf blade thinly leathery, ovate, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 4 -- 10cm long, 2 -- 3.5cm wide, apex acuminate, base rounded, margin subentire, or subapical often inconspicuously sparsely serrate, midvein slightly concave above, much hairy, lateral veins inconspicuous on both surfaces. Cymes solitary leaf axils; Flowers count 4 or 5; Male inflorescence with 3-9 flowers, total pedicel 2.5cm long, pedicel 2.4mm long, calyx 1.5mm in diameter, petals ovate, base slightly united, stamens shorter than corolla; Female inflorescence often degenerated, only 1 flower remaining, 3 flowers rare, pedicel slender, 1-1.5cm long, calyx ca. 3mm in diameter, lobes triangular, corolla ca. 5mm in diameter, petals ovate, ovary broadly conical, stigma papillary. Fruit globose, 7-8mm in diam., red; The nucleus is 4-5, oval, smooth, with 1 line along the middle of the back; Inner fruit leathery. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruit period is from July to October.


Leaf blade ovate or oblong elliptic, some broken or crumpled, 5-8cm long, 2-7cm wide, often serrate at middle or near apex; Yellow-green, petiole 12-17mm long; Heavy leather quality; The air is slight and the taste is slightly bitter.

Chemical composition

Leaves contain long pedunculoside.

Belong to the

Lung; Liver; Kidney; E. the

Sexual flavour

Bitter taste; Astringent; Sex is cool

Function of the attending

Dispel wind and dehumidify; Dissipate stasis and stop bleeding. Main rheumatism arthralgia; Traumatic bleeding; A fall injury; Chapped skin; scar


For internal use: decoction, 4.5-9g. External use: appropriate amount, grind and sprinkle.

Each paper

"Xinhua MaterIA MEDICa COMPENdium" : IT HAS the FUNCTIONS of clearing heat and detoxifying, hemostasis and analgesia, and is used for traumatic bleeding, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbago, falling injury, chapped skin and scar.


Chinese Materia Medica
