
A Artemisia herb, "Chinese Materia Medica" a Artemisia herb

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"Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary" : a Artemisia

Phonetic symbols

Yi useful and H ā o

The alias

Centipede grass (Classified Herbal Medicine), Hairy Hair (Guizhou Folk Prescription Collection), a Artemisia, flying centipede (Guiyang Folk Medicine), Echinacea (Guizhou Herbal Medicine), Thousand Centipede (Jiangxi Herbal Medicine Manual), Sawing grass (Inner Mongolia Herbal Medicine).




Whole grass of Achillea yarrow or Achillea southwest in the Asteraceae family. Harvest in summer and autumn when flowering, and dry in the sun.

Habitat distribution

Production northeast, North China and Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

The original form

① Yarrow (Shangshu)

Herbs perennial, 50 to 100 cm tall. Stem erect, ribbed, branched above. Leaves alternate, long linear lanceolate, 6 to 10 cm long, O.7 to 1.5 cm wide, sessile; Ctenodontoid pinnately deep cleft, lobes linear, sparsely arranged, sharp, with unequal length of incised teeth, leaf blade semi-clump, bilaterally pilose, abaxially densely hairy, lower leaf often withered. Head 5 ~ 6 mm in diameter, 6 ~ 7 mm in length, dense into a compound corymbose; Involucral bracts campanulate, involucral bracts ovate, ovate-lanceolate or long quadrate, imbricate; Peripheral ligulate flowers, female, 5 to 11, white, corolla rectangular, apex 3-lobed; Central arm flowers, bisexual, white, anthers yellow, protruding outside corolla. Achene flat, oblong, winged, uncrested, ca. 3 mm long and 1 mm wide. Flowering from July to September. Fruit period September to October.

Grow in forest edge, roadside, house edge and hillside sunny grass. Distribution northeast, North China and northwest and other places.

The fruit of this plant (Yarrow) is also used for medicinal purposes, as specified in this section.

Yarrow in southwest China. Please refer to the "Artemisia SPP."


Dry whole grass, many have broken, short root head, dense fibrous root. All are gray white hairy antler, the upper part of the stem is slightly branched, the surface brownish yellow slightly purple, there are fine lines in line. The section is hollow and the inner surface is white. Leaves slightly curled, grey-green or brownish yellow, leaf margin lobes as small as centipede foot. The flowers are hemispherical and yellow brown. The breath is weak and the taste is slightly bitter. It is better to be dry, complete, rootless and without impurities.

Belong to the

"Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals" : "into the heart, liver, lung three meridian."

Sexual flavour

Hard, lukewarm, toxic.

① "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals" : "the sex is mild, the taste is acute and bitter, poisonous."

(2) "Selection of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningken" : "Hard taste, temperament, small poison.

Pay attention to

Pregnant women should not take it.

Function of the attending

Activate blood, dispel wind, relieve pain and detoxify. Treatment of injuries, rheumatic pain, ruffian, carbuncle.

"Gangmu" : "Yarrow leaf treating ruffian diseases."

(2) "Gangmu Shixie" : "Promoting blood circulation and detoxifying, removing all the chronic diseases, such as chronic stagnation, chronic malaise and chronic malaise, driving out the malaise and timidity."

③ "Classification of herbal medicine" : "to treat all heat and poison, coated sores and muscle."

④ "Northeast medicine Zhi Zhi" : "for stomach, strong agent, and hemorrhoids medicine."


Oral: decocted soup, O.5 ~ 1 money; To soak in wine or into a powder. External use: tamping or soaking wine coating; Study and adjust compress at the end.


(1) Treatment of fall injury: a artemisia or two. Soak wine and rub.

(2) Treat serious injuries, pain relief and swelling: a artemisia two money, three money, the law of pinellia, angelica dahurica three money. Grind each medicine into a fine powder, mix into a powder, swallow with boiling water, take three minutes each.

③ Lift and fall injury, rheumatic pain: a piece of artemisia, spiced blood vine five money, see blood fly two money, black bone five money, wind vine four money, red knee three money. Soak two jin of wine, take one or two each time. (Should avoid the following "Guiyang Folk herbs")

(4) Treat the riffraff in the abdomen: yarrow leaves, only garlic, pangolin end, salt. With good vinegar tamping, the amount of PI size paste, two wick incense for the degree, the PI into pus and blood, from the stool. (" Baoshou Tang Experience ")

(5) Cure head wind, old head wind pain: a piece of artemisia pound velvet twist juice, Li ear heart. "Guizhou Herbal Medicine"

⑥ Treatment of abdominal pain with amenorrhea: yarrow leaves three to five money. The water decoction. (Hunan Journal of Medicine)

⑦ Treatment of swelling and poison: yarrow leaves three to five money. The water decoction. (Hunan Journal of Medicine)

The wind fire toothache: a artemisia tamping velvet, rubbing two temples; If the pain is more than, then take the leaf containing plug in the pain. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)

⑨ Treatment of venomous snake bite: (I) a single artemisia, water maiza. Mash, or sun grind, adjust wash rice water compress wound. 2. Grasp the stems and leaves of a artemisia, smash them, push them down on the upper part of the swelling until the wound, apply them around the wound, and stop bleeding. The pain abated after application of this medicine. (" Guiyang Secret Recipe ")

Clinical application of

Treat all kinds of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases

Make an injection of Achillea alfolium, 2 ml per ampoule, equivalent to 8 grams of raw medicine, 2 ~ 4 ml per time for adults, twice a day, intramuscular injection, reduce for children. Or take fresh stems and leaves 3 ~ 5 money, decocted in water, 2 times a day. Can also be processed with the stems and leaves to make 60% vaseline ointment for external use. He had treated 188 cases of acute surgical infection, acute appendicitis, acute enteritis, acute mastitis, acute tonsillitis, acute lymphadenitis, deep abscess, uncle, gynecological inflammatory disorders, upper respiratory tract infection, chronic otitis media, eczema, etc. The observation period for acute inflammation was 3 days. If the effect had been effective, the drug could be continued for 6 to 7 days to consolidate the effect. Chronic inflammation takes 7 to 10 days as the observation period, the course of treatment depends on the condition. Results After one course of treatment 137 cases (72.8%) were cured, 36 cases (19.2%) were improved and 16 cases (8%) were ineffective. According TO clinical observation, THIS PRODUCT has good antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyREtic and ANALGESic effects, especially for acute enteritis, acute appendicitis, acute tonsillitis and acute mastitis, but the effect on respiratory inflammation is poor. In most effective cases, the body temperature drops to normal within 1 ~ 2 days. The white blood cell count gradually returned to normal within 2 ~ 3 days. It has been proved by animal experiment that this product has low toxicity and is safe for clinical use.


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Materia Medica" : A artemisia
Phonetic symbols
Yi useful and H ā o

The alias

Xinjiang a artemisia, deer horn artemisia

The English name

Alpine Yarrow Herb


From "Compendium of Materia Medica"


Medicinal material base source: the whole grass of Artemisia for Compositae plant.

Latin plant animal mineral name: Artemisia rupetris L. [A. Dientata Willd.;A. uiridis Willd.;Auris Willd.;A. wirid-ifolia Spreng.]

Harvesting and storage: In summer, cut the aboveground parts, tie them into handfuls and dry them in the shade.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: in the dry hillside, desert steppe, meadow, alluvial plain and dry river valley at elevations of 1100-2900m.

Resource distribution: Distributed in Xinjiang and other places of our country.

The original form

A perennial herb of artemisia, 20-50cm tall. The whole plant has special fragrance. Rhizome woody, often recumbent or oblique, with many vegetative branches. Stems usually numerous, few or simple, brown or reddish-brown, lower half woody, upper part densely gray-white pubescent; Unbranched or with few short branches in upper part of stem. Leaves thin papery, both surfaces gray-white short gray at first, glabrous posteriorly; The lower part of stems and nutrition in the leaf short shank, middle leaves sessile, oval leaves elliptic or oblong, 1.5 5 cm long, 12.5 cm wide, two back to feather full split, each side lobes 5-7, upper lobes often pinnate again full crack or 3 out of the crack, lower lobes usually no longer divided, basal lobes half amplexicaul, lobelet comb tooth shaped linear lanceolate, Apex often short stiffly pointed; Upper leaf and bracts pinnatifid or 3-fid. Heads hemispherical or subglobose, 4 -- 7mm in diam., shortly pedunculate or subsessile, subpedicle or oblique, base often pinnately divided bracteoles, arranged in spikes or nearly racemes on stem; Involucral bracts 3-to 4-layered, outer and middle involucral bracts abaxially pubescent, margin membranous, lacerated, inner involucral membranous; Inflorescence receptacle raised, hemispherical, with grayish white receptacle; Female flowers 1 layer, 8-16 flowers, corolla flacelike or narrowly conical, cornice with 3-4 lobed teeth, style slightly extending outside corolla, apex appendage long triangular, style as long as corolla, apex bifurcated. Achene oblong, apically often not thin membranous coronal margin. Flowering and fruiting from July to October.


The length of this product is 20-50cm. The roots and rhizomes are cylindrical, pale yellow or earthen yellow on the surface, yellow on the section. Stems several or single, young branches with short fuzz, old branches more smooth, round stems, not very obvious longitudinal stripes, 1.5-3mm in diameter, purplish red, sometimes yellow-green, hollow. Basal leaf lobes narrowly lanceolate, sessile, upper leaf smaller, pinnate or undivided, both surfaces sparsely pilose. Inflorescence, stipeate, upper leaf smaller, pinnate or undivided, both surfaces sparsely pilose. Inflorescence involucral bracts 3-4 layers, outer layer green, papery, striate, inner layer membranous, ovate; Tubular flowers, yellow, edge flowers 1 row, female; Inner flowers bisexual, flowers ca. 2mm long. Fruit obconical, ca. 1mm long. The whole plant has a special aroma, taste slightly bitter.

Cross section of stem: 1 row of epidermal cells, thin outer cuticle, visible T-shaped or forked non-glandular hair; The cortex cells were 3-7 rows, with cracks between them, and there were round outer tough vascular bundles at the edges and corners of the stem. The cells in the endodermis were large and distinct; About 20 vascular bundles arranged into a ring, 1-2 ray cells, each vascular bundle outside the column sheath fiber bundle, vascular bundle outside tough type, fiber and guide and homogeneous wood, cambium is not obvious; The pith parenchyma cells are larger, the wall is lignified, with striated pores, and the center is often empty.

Powder characteristics: yellowish green. Non glandular hair, T-shaped or forked, apical narrowly pointed, micro, more than 600μm long; The head of the glandular hair was oval, with 6-10 cells arranged in 2 rows, about 38-44μm in length, 32-44μm in diameter, 22-25μm in short axis, and 3-5 accessory cells. The pollen grains were spheroid, about 18μm in diameter. The outer wall was thick, with small spines, and the thread guide and diameter were 10-15μm.

The toxicity of

It has been proved by animal experiment that this product has low toxicity and is safe for clinical use.

Chemical composition

The whole plant contains aciphyllic acid, cis-spiroketalenoetherpolyne, trans -spiroketalenoetherpolyne, carrot (β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside), gar-denin D, β-sitosterol, palmitic acid, rupestric acid [1], rupestonic acid [2], isorupestonic acid [3]. The above ground part contains volatile oil, and the column should have: ocimene, alloocimene, myrcene, α-pinene (αpmene), γ-terpinene (γ-terpinene), p-cymene, terpinolene (β-pinene), linalool (linalool), α-terineol (α-terineol), β-terpineol (β-terpineol), 2-methyl-3-penten-1-ol-2-methy, α-thujene, γterpineol, α-β-terpinyl acetate, geranyl acetate, geranyl propionate [4], camphene, 1, 8-cineole, limonene, 2-methylbutyl 2-methylbutyrate, borneol, terpinen-4-ol, citronellol, bornyl acetate, citronellyl acetate, β-elemene, β-sesquiphellandrene, α-guaiene, β-chamigrene, guaiol, tetradecaoic acid, β-chamigerene, guaiol, tetradecanoic acid, siobutyl phthalate, 4,6, 10-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (4, 6, 10-trimethyl-2-pentadecacnone, 1-hexadecanol, pentadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, 1-octadecanol, phytol, linoleic acid, davanone, bazzanenol, etc. [5].

Pharmacological effects

Yarrow has high antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Dysenteribacter sonnei and dysenteribacter freundii in vitro, and its active components may be lactone coumarin compounds. At 625 times the human dose, mice did not die. The alcohol soluble part of 10% fresh grass with plate paper method, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, Escherichia coli and dysenteriae flexneri have inhibitory effect.


Root the whole grass, wash it, dry it and cut it off for later use.

Sexual flavour

Flavour sheen; Slightly bitter; Sex slightly damp

Pay attention to

Pregnant women should not take it.

Function of the attending

Dispelling wind solution table; Jianwei eliminating product; Promote blood circulation and disperse blood stasis. Main wind chill cold; Food accumulation Qi stagnation; Abdominal distension and pain; Bruises and bruises; Rubella; The snake wound


For internal use: decoction, 10-15g; Or into pill. External use: appropriate amount, paste or wine coating.


1. Treatment of injury: one or two artemisia SPP. Soak wine and rub.

2. Treat serious injuries, pain relief and swelling: a artemisia two money, three money method pinellia, angelica dahurica three money. Grind each medicine into fine not, mix into powder, boiled water swallow, each take three minutes.

3. Treatment of fall injury, rheumatic pain: a branch of artemisia, spiced blood vine five money, see blood fly two money, black bone five money, wind vine four money, red knee three money. Soak two jin of wine, take one or two each time.

4. Treat riffraff in abdomen: yarrow leaf, only garlic, pangolin, salt. With good vinegar tamping cake, the amount of PI size paste, two wick incense for the degree, the PI into pus and blood, from the stool. (" Baoshoutang experience square ")5. Cure head wind, old head wind pain: a piece of artemisia pound velvet and grind juice, drop ear heart. (" Guizhou Herbal Medicine ")6. Treatment of amenorrhea abdominal pain: yarrow leaves 3 to 5 yuan. The water decoction. (Hunan Medicine Annals)7. Treatment of swelling and poison: Yarrow leaves 3 to 5 yuan. The water decoction. (" Hunan Medicine Annals ")8. Treat wind and fire toothache: a piece of artemisia ramming velvet, rubbing two temples; If the pain is more than, then take the leaf containing plug in the pain. (" Guizhou Herbal Medicine ")9. Treatment of venomous snake bite: 1. A artemisia, water Cigu. Pound, or sun, wash rice water compress wound. (" Guiyang Folk Herbs ")2. Hold the stem and leaf of a artemisia, smash, push down on the upper part of the swelling, until the wound, apply around the wound, and can stop bleeding. The pain abated after application of this medicine. (" Guiyang Secret Recipe ")

Clinical application of

Treat all kinds of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Make injection of achillea yarrow, 2ml per ampen bottle, equivalent to 8g of raw drug, 2-4ml for adults, twice a day, intramuscular injection, and appropriate reduction for children. Or take fresh stems and leaves 3-5 yuan, decocted in water, twice a day. Can also be processed with stems and leaves to make 50% vaseline ointment for external use. He had treated 188 cases of acute surgical infection, acute appendicitis, acute enteritis, acute mastitis, acute tonsillitis, acute lymphadenitis, deep abscess, uncle, gynecological inflammatory disorders, upper respiratory tract infection, chronic otitis media, eczema, etc. For acute inflammation, the observation period is 3 days. If the effect is effective, the medication can be continued for 5-7 days to consolidate the effect. Chronic inflammation takes 7-10 days as the observation period, and the course of treatment depends on the condition. Results After 1 course of treatment, 137 cases (72.8%) were cured, 36 cases (19.2%) were improved and 15 cases (8%) were ineffective. According TO clinical observation, THIS product has good antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyREtic and analgesic effects, especially for acute enteritis, acute appendicitis, acute tonsillitis and acute mastitis, but the effect on respiratory inflammation is poor. In most effective cases, the body temperature drops to normal within 1-2 days. The white blood cell count gradually returned to normal within 2-3 days.

Each paper

1. Gangmu: Yarrow leaf is used to treat ruffian diseases.

2. Gangmu Picks up the Relics: promoting blood circulation and detoxifying, removing all chronic stagnation, chronic Yin cold and other diseases, driving out the malaise and timidity.

3. "Classification of herbal medicine" to treat all heat poison, coated sores muscle.

4 "Northeast medicine Zhi Zhi" : for stomach, strong agent, and hemorrhoids medicine.
