
Chinese herbal medicine one cent, "Chinese medicine dictionary" one cent Chinese herbal medicine

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Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary: One cent
Phonetic symbols

Yi Wen Qian

The alias

Copper root


Selected Chinese Herbal Medicines of Yunnan Simao


To guard against the roots of hexaceae. It can be picked all year round.

Habitat distribution

Born on hillsides, roadside, bushes. Distributed in Yunnan and other places.

The original form

Perennially twining small vine. Rhizome slender, fibrous roots. Stem thin, often twisted, tan surface with fine longitudinal stripes, smooth glabrous. Leaves alternate, leaves broadly ovate, 3 to 6 cm in diam., entire; Petiole pelcate, 2.5 to 4 cm long. Cyme - like umbels born in leaf axils, flowers small, unisexual, green. Fruit globose, red when ripe.

Sexual flavour

Bitter, cold.

Function of the attending

Regulating qi and relieving pain, dispelling wind and dampness. Treatment of stomach pain, acute and chronic gastroenteritis, food stagnation flatulence, rheumatoid arthritis, waist and knee pain.


For internal use: decocted soup, 1 ~ 3 yuan; Or at the end of the study.


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Materia Medica" : One cent
Phonetic symbols

Yi Wen Qian

The alias

Hold hen, lotus leaf dark elimination, turtle hold eggs, table teng, cane elimination, Jin Bujiao, copper root, money dark elimination, minor cold medicine.

The English name

Root of Slenderflower Stephania


From Selected Chinese Herbal Medicines of Yunnan Simao


Medicinal material base source: to prevent the roots or stems of the family plant.

Latin phytozoan mineral name: Stephania delavayi Diels [S.graciliflora Yamamoto]

Harvesting and storage: Autumn and winter harvesting, washing, drying.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: in the hillside, roadside, bushes.

Resource DISTRIBUTION: Distributed in southwest Sichuan, South Guizhou, southeast Yunnan.

The original form

A penny perennially wrapped around small fujimoto. 1 -- 2m long, taproot striate, 1.5 -- 2.5cm in diameter, shoot slender, straight striated, glabrous. Leaves alternate; Petiole 3 -- 5cm long, pelcate;  Flowers small, unisexual, dioecious; Male plants are compound umbrella cymes, axillary or axillary on short branches with small leaves, total peduncle length 1-3.5cm, umbrella peduncle 3-7, 3-12mm, pedicels slender, less than 0.5mm long; Male flowers: sepals 6 (-8), pale green, arranged in 2 rounds, obovate-cuneate or broadly obovate-cuneate, 1-1.2mm long, 0.5-0.8mm wide, thin; Petals 3 (-4), yellowish, subtriangular or broadly cuneate, ca. 0.5mm long, slightly fleshy; Stamen column length about 0.77mm; Female flowers radially symmetrical, sepals 3 (-4); Petals 3 (-4), shape and size are similar to female flowers; Ovary glabrous, stigma often 3-lobed. Drupe obovate, red, glabrous, endocarp 4 -- 5mm long, back with 2 rows of small ribbed carving, each row about 5 -- 8; Seat track perforated.

Chemical composition

delavaine, 16-oxodelavaine, cycleanine, cepharanthine, homoaromoline, etc.

To identify

Effect 1. The white blood cell, stephania element (i.e., headdress flower stephania alkali) in white blood cells in mice caused by cyclophosphamide reduce protective, dog leucopenia caused by radiation also has certain protective effect, and estradiol benzoate wu with acute radiation sickness for the treatment of gamma irradiation dogs are to improve survival rate and reduce the role of clinical disease; It has a therapeutic effect on rats with hypoleukocytosis caused by benzene poisoning. Microscopic examination showed active proliferation of nucleated cells, increased mature lines in bone marrow tissue, and the presence of young plasma cells and more plasma cells.

2. Toxicity: the LD50 of cepharantine free base mice injected intraperitoneally was 260mg/kg, and the poisoning symptoms were muscle tension, vertical tail, decreased activity, dyspnea, and cramping, which resulted in death. The maximum tolerated dose was 200mg/kg, and the lethal dose was 300mg/kg. The maximum tolerated dose of ceanto hydrobromine was 10mg/kg, and the lethal dose was 20-25mg/kg. No obvious reaction was observed when the dogs were given cepharanthine tablets 10mg/kg or intravenous cepharanthine hydrochloride 100mg/ dog. After continuous administration of the drug, the cumulative dose of 600-700mg in three days will show poisoning symptoms, and the animal will be at risk of death if the dose is exceeded.

Belong to the

The spleen; The stomach

Sexual flavour

Bitter; Small cold; toxic

Function of the attending

Regulating qi and relieving pain; Dispel wind and dehumidify; The swelling. Main qi stagnation food accumulation; Epigastric abdominal pain; Rheumatism arthralgia; Carbuncle, swelling and sores; snakebite


For internal use: decocted soup, 1-3g. External use: proper amount, grind the end, use honey or vinegar to adjust compress the affected area.

Each paper

Yunnan Simao Herbal medicine selection: bitter, cold; Qi analgesia, dispelling dampness, stomachache, acute and chronic gastroenteritis, food stagnation flatulence.


Chinese Materia Medica
