
Chinese herbal medicine blindly medicine root, "Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary" blindly medicine root Chinese herbal medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 16:44


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"Chinese Medicine Dictionary" : One medicine root
Phonetic symbols

Yi Wei Yao G ē n


A Collection of Prescriptions in Liangjian, Guizhou


It is the root of horsethorn of leguminous plant. All year round.

The original form

Plant morphology is detailed in the "Blind medicine" strip.

Sexual flavour

"Zhunjiang Tianmu Yam Zhi Zhi" : "Warm sex, bitter taste."

Function of the attending

Remove blood stasis and detoxify. For cough and asthma, laryngeal moths, scrofula, scrofula, hemorrhoids, blow injuries.

"Guizhou folk prescription collection" : "to treat hemorrhoids bleeding, stop knife bleeding; And as a strength."

"Cure scrofula, cold cough, children's food product, hemorrhoids, diphtheria, boils, snake bite."

③ "Zhejiang folk herbs commonly used" : "cool and detoxify, promote blood circulation and blood stasis."


For internal use: decocted soup, fresh 2 ~ 3 liang; Or leaching liquor. External use: tamping compress.


① Cure the old man roar cough asthma disease: blindly medicine root 22, stew pork meat. (Annals of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine)

(2) Treatment of throat moth: horse thorn fresh root (to the appearance of thin black skin) three to 42, rice soup, rock sugar or white sugar, steamed juice service (within five years old three money, five to ten years old five money).

(3) Treatment of skullboil: horse thorn fresh root (to the appearance of thin black skin) two to three, water decocted suit; And washed fresh root, add sugar mash compress affected area.

(4) Treat ethos pain, fall injury: horse spine root 22, soaked in wine service. (② Common Herbal medicine of Zhejiang Province is published below)


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Materia Medica" : A medicinal root
Phonetic symbols

Yi Wei Yao G ē n

The English name

Root of False Indigo


From the Collection of Folk Prescriptions in Guizhou


Medicinal material base source: for the leguminous plant horsethorn root or above ground part.

Latin Flora and Fauna mineral name: Indigofera pseudotinctoria Matsum.

Harvesting and storage: All year round.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: Born in the hillside forest edge and thickets at the altitude of 100-1300m.

Resource DISTRIBUTION: DISTRIBUTED IN Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

The original form

Horsespines, small shrubs, 1-3m tall. Stems many branches, young branches grayish brown, ribbed, by T - shaped hairs. Leaves alternate; Petiole 1-1.5cm long, covered with flat T-hairs; Intercalated leaves small, narrowly triangular, ca. 1mm, chronomete; Leaves odd-pinnate, leaflets 7-11, leaf blade elliptic, obovate or obovate elliptic, 1-2.5cm long, apex rounded or slightly concave, minutely pointed, base broadly cuneate or suborbicular, both surfaces with white t-hairs. Racemes 3 -- 11cm long with dense flowers; Calyx campanulate, covered with white and brown flatly appressed t-hairs, calyx tube 1 -- 2mm, teeth unequal, nearly as long as or slightly longer than calyx tube; Butterfly flowers pale red or purplish red, flag petals obovate, 4.5-6.5mm long, apex shell, wing petals with earlike appendages at base, keel petals about 1mm long, ear at base; Stamens 10, disomeric. Pods linear cylindrical, 2.5 -- 4(-5.5)cm long, apex acuminate, densely covered with short T-hairs when young, septum between seeds, with purplish red spots only on septum. Seeds oval. The flowering period is from May to August, and the fruit period is from September to October.

Belong to the

Heart, liver meridian.

Sexual flavour

Temperature; Taste bitter

Function of the attending

Activating blood and removing blood stasis; Detoxification. Lord to cough and gasp the; Throat moth; Cure sore; Scrofula. Hemorrhoids. injuries


For internal use: decocted soup, fresh 2-3 liang; Or leaching liquor. External use: tamping compress.


1, the treatment of the elderly roar cough and asthma: blindly medicine root 22, stew pork meat. (" Sichuan Chinese Medicine Annals ") 2, the treatment of throat moth: horse thorn fresh root (to the appearance of thin black skin) 3 to 42, add rice soup, rock sugar or white sugar, steamed juice service (within five years old three money, five to ten years old five money). 3, the treatment of skullboil: horse thorn fresh root (to the appearance of thin black skin) two to three, water decocted suit; And washed fresh root, add sugar mash compress affected area. 4, the treatment of climate pain, injury: horse spinoroot 22, immersion clothing. (2. Common Herbal Medicine of Zhejiang Folk is published below)

Each paper

1. "Guizhou Folk Prescription Collection" : treating hemorrhoids bleeding, stop knife bleeding; And used as a strength agent. 2. "Zhejiang Tianwu Yam Zhi" : cure scrofula, cold cough, children's food, hemorrhoids, diphtheria, boils, snake bite. 3. "Zhejiang Folk Herbal Medicine" : cool and detoxify, promote blood circulation and blood stasis.


Chinese Materia Medica
