
Chinese herbal medicine a blood, "Chinese Traditional Medicine dictionary" a blood Chinese herbal medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 16:05


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A blood
"Chinese Medicine Dictionary" : a blood
Phonetic symbols

K ē Yi Xue


Guizhou Herbal Medicine


Whole grass of the leguminous plant gorse. Harvest in summer.

Habitat distribution

Born in high mountain damp place. Distributed in Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

The original form

Herbs annual. Stems small, prostrate, rooted at nodes, fibrous roots with nodules. 3 compound leaves, petiole slender; Leaf blade obovate, apex concave, base cuneate, entire; Stipules 2, broadly lanceolate, thin film. Flowers purulent, butterfly, peduncle longer than petiole, with 1 ~ 2 flowers; Bracts 2-4, separated; Calyx tube campanulate, lobes 5; Corolla purplish blue. Pods linear, 2 to 2.5 cm long. Flower period May to September.

Sexual flavour

Gan, wen.

Function of the attending

Tonifying kidney and strengthening Yang.


Cure kidney deficiency impotence: A blood five money, steamed pig kidney a pair, or stew meat half catty to eat.


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Medicine Dictionary" : a blood
Phonetic symbols

K ē Yi Xue

The English name

Herb of Common Shamrockpea


From Guizhou Herbal Medicine


Medicinal material base source: the whole grass of leguminous plant gorse.

Latin botanical animal mineral name: Parochetus communis Ham.

Harvesting and storage: Summer harvesting.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: in the damp place of high mountains.

Resource Distribution: Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

The original form

Gorse, annual herb. Stems small, prostrate, rooted at nodes, fibrous roots with nodules. 3 compound leaves, petiole slender; Leaf blade obovate, apex concave, base cuneate, entire; Stipules 2, broadly lanceolate, thin film. Flowers axillary, butterfly, pedicel longer than petiole, 1-2 flowers; Bracts 2-4, separated; Calyx tube campanulate) lobes 5; Corolla purplish blue. Pods linear, 2-2.5cm long. The flowering period is from May to September.

Belong to the

Kidney meridian.

Sexual flavour

Gansu; wen

Function of the attending

Kidney deficiency and impotence. Main kidney deficiency, impotence.


For internal use: 9-15g; Stew.


Cure kidney deficiency impotence: A blood five money, steamed pig kidney a pair, or stew meat half catty to eat.


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary
