
Chinese herbal medicine an arrow, "Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary" an arrow Chinese herbal medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 15:25


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"Chinese Medicine Dictionary" : An arrow
Phonetic symbols

Yi useful and Jian

The alias

Qingteng (" Classification of Herbal Medicine "), Snakebite (" Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine ").


Herbs and Trees Convenient Recipe


A root-bearing whole grass such as an arrow or a narrow-leaved grass of the family Triviaceae. In spring and summer, the whole grass with roots is dug, and the sand is washed and dried in the shade or fresh.

The original form

(1) an arrow

Small perennial herbs, 15 ~ 20 cm tall. Rhizomes short and cylindrical. Vegetative leaves single, oval. 3 to 6 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide, apex obtuse or apiculate, entire, base broadly cuneate, lateral veins reticulate, not parallel to midvein; Spore leaf drawn from vegetative leaf base, linear spikes, apex pointed; Sporangia about 30 ~ 60 pairs, arranged in 2 rows; Spores pale, nearly smooth.

In ditch, grass and other wet places. Distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

② Small grass with narrow leaf and bottle

Small perennial herbs. 10 ~ 16 cm high. Rhizome short and erect, clustered with many slender succulent roots. Leaves solitary or 2 to 3 leaves from root, total stalk 8 to 13 cm long, slender. Vegetative leaves from 3 to 6 cm above base of total stalk, 2 to 5 cm long, 3 to 10 mm wide, oblanceolate or oblanceolate, apex apiculate or slightly obtuse, base narrowly cuneate, entire, veins reticulate; Sporophyte FROM VEGETATIVE LEAF BASE, HAVE LONG STALK, HIGHER THAN VEGETATIVE LEAF, SPORANGIUM PANICLE IS NARROW LINEAR, 2 ~ 3 CM LONG.

Born in the damp place of river beach and grassland. Distributed in Northeast, Hebei, Shaanxi, Hubei, Jiangsu, Taiwan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

In addition, the same plant, the heart leaf and the blunt head of the grass is also the same medicine. The main characteristics of the two species are: vegetative leaves of the former species are broadly ovate, basal heart shaped, with short stalk; Latter vegetative leaves broadly ovate, sessile.

Sexual flavour

Bitter sweet, cool.

"Grass and trees convenient Recipe" : "Bitter."

"Classification of herbal medicine" : "sweet, flat, non-toxic."

③ "Shaanxi Herbal Medicine" : "Gan Xin, cool, small poison."

④ "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine" : "bitter, flat."

Function of the attending

Clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. Treatment of carbuncle, boils, scabies itching, injury, blood stasis swelling pain.

"Grass and wood stool recipe" : "Clear heat and poison, remove wind and heat. Treatment of kidney cystic pain, malignant malignant swelling, chest and abdomen blood, snake venom."

② "Classification of herbal medicine" : "to treat itching son, antisore toxin, fall injury, swelling toxin."

③ "Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicine" : "Qingrejiedu, carbuncle. For dog wounds, scabies."


Take orally: decocted soup, 0.5 ~ 1 liang. External use: tamping compress.


① scabies itching: an arrow, dandelion, fish loach string, lateral ear root, stewing eel clothing. (Annals of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine)

(2) Treating carbuncle at the beginning: an arrow, fish bile grass, Hua Tou grass, wild tobacco, mash compress. (Annals of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine)

The treatment of breast carbuncle: an arrow, dandelion each amount, smashed external application.

(4) Treating boils and swelling: an arrow, ripe rhubarb each one money five points, four money on the grass, two money on bupleurum. The water decoction.

⑤ Treatment of venomous snake bite, nameless swelling poison: an arrow fresh amount, smashed external application. (③ Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine is published below)

⑥ Cure infantile malnutrition: an arrow, make a gentleman, chicken gold, fried clothes. (Jiangxi Chinese Herbal Medicine)


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

Chinese Materia Medica: An arrow
Phonetic symbols

Yi useful and Jian

The alias

Ivy, snakebite, little ivy

The English name

Adder's Tongue Herb, Herb of Adder Tongue, Herb of Common Adder's Tongue Fern, Herb of Pedunculate Adder's Tongue, Herb of Reticulate Adder's Tongue


It's from the Grass and Wood Stool Recipe.


Medicinal material base source: for bottles, bottles, grass, grass plants tines blunt bottle, grass, arrow, narrow leaves, grass and heart with a full bottle, a blade of grass grass.

Latin mineral names of plants and animals: 1.Ophioglossum pedunculosum Desv.2.Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook.3.Ophioglossum thermale Kom.[O.angustatum Maxim.; O.vulgatum L.var.thermale C.Chr.]4.Ophioglossum reticulatum L.

Harvesting and storage: In spring and summer, the whole grass with root is excavated, removed from soil, washed, dried in the shade or used fresh.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: 1. The grass is born in the open hillside thickets at an altitude of about 1000m.

2. The grass is born in the hillside grass at an altitude of 2500-3000m.

3. It grows on mountain slopes or near hot springs.

4. The heart leaf grass is born in dense forests below the altitude of 1600m.

Distribution OF RESOURCES: 1. The small grass is distributed in southwest China, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong and other places.

2. The grass is distributed in southwest China, Shaanxi, Taiwan, etc.

3. It is distributed in Northeast China, Hebei, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

4. The grass is distributed in southwest China and Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Guangxi and other places.

The original form

1. Small perennial grass with a height of 15-25cm. With short erect rhizomes and fleshy fascicled thick roots. Leaves a single; Total stalk slender, 10-20cm long; Vegetative leaves from lower part of total stalk ~ 6-10cm; Leaf blade grassy, ovoid, 3-6cm long, 2-2.8cm wide, widest near base, subcuneate, slightly decurbitate, entire, apex obtuse or apiculate; Veins reticulate. Spore leaf drawn from vegetative base, long stipe, higher than vegetative leaf. Sporangium striate, 3 -- 4cm long, apex apiculate, stalk 8 -- 16cm long emerging from apex of total stalk.

2. Blunt grass plants with short erect rhizome. Roots clustered, fleshy and stout, running horizontally like stolons, giving rise to new plants from apex. Petiole 9 -- 15cm long, vegetative leaves herbivorous, solitary, drawn from upper part of petiole, broadly ovate, 3-5cm long and 2-3cm wide, apex obtuse rounded, entire, base rounded and decurbed, sessile; The net veins are obvious. Spore leaf emerges from vegetative leaf base, 6-9cm long. Sporangia panicle linear, 2.5-3cm long.

3. The plant is 10-20cm tall. Rhizome short erect. Roots fleshy, clustered, slender, unbranched. Leaves solitary or 2-3 separate from root. Total petiole slender, 3-6cm long, green or buried parts of the gray. Vegetative leaves herbivorous, arising from lower part of the common stalk 3-6cm, oblanceolate or oblanceolate, 2-5cm long, 3-10mm wide, base narrowly cuneate, entire, apex apiculate or slightly obtuse; Veins reticulate. Spore leaf drawn from apex of total stalk, with stalk 5 -- 7cm long, higher than vegetative leaf. Sporangium panicle narrow linear, 2-3cm long, apex with apiculate, composed of 15-28 pairs of sporangia; Spores grayish white.

4. The plant height of heart leaf grass is 15-45cm. Rhizome short erect, cylindrical. Roots fleshy and long. With 1 to 2 total stalks, 6-14cm long; Each stalk has 1 vegetative leaf, suborbicular or broadly ovate, 5 -- 7 x 4.5 -- 6cm, base cordate, margin entire, apex pointed or obtuse, stalked. Spore leaf from the top of the stalk, 8-25cm long. Sporangium panicle narrow linear, 3.5-6cm long.


Identification of characters (1) All the small grass with sharp head is curled. Rhizome short. Roots small, cylindrical, curved, yellowish-brown. Leaves 2-3, total petiole 10-20cm long. Vegetative leaves are oval when expanded, 3-6cm long and 2-2.5cm wide. Apex obtuse or slightly acute, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, stalk 5 -- 10mm long, narrowly winged on both sides, grassy, greenish-yellow surface, reticulate veins. Sporangium striate, 2.5 -- 305cm long, apex pointed, emerging from top of total stalk, with stalk 8 -- 15cm long. Soft quality, difficult to break. The air is light and the taste is light.

(2) The total petiole length of A. obtuse was 9-15cm. Vegetative leaves orbicular or broadly ovate, 3 -- 5 x 2 -- 3cm, apex obtuse, base rounded or slightly decurbitate, sessile, grassy, veins reticulate.

(3) The total petiole length of small grass is 3-6cm. Vegetive leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, narrowly elliptic, 2 -- 5cm long and 0.3 -- 1cm wide, apex acuminate, base acuminate, sessile, herbivorous, reticulate veins inconspicuous.

(4) Total petiole length 4-10cm, vegetative leaves ovate or suborbicular, 5-7cm long, 4-5.5cm wide, apex pointed or obtuse, margin undulate, base cordate, short stalk, grassy, reticulate veins obvious.

Chemical composition

There are cysteine (cysteine) and ornithine (ornithine) in the root of L. obtuse. The aboveground part contains alanine, arginine, diaminobutyric acid, glutamic acid, lysine, serine, and threonine. Narrow leaf bottles, grass contains two fatty acyl glyceryl trimethyl homoserine (diacylglyceryltrimethylhomoserine).

Belong to the

Liver meridian

Sexual flavour

Bitter; Gansu; Small cold

Function of the attending

Clearing heat and detoxifying; Promote blood circulation and disperse blood stasis. Main carbuncle swelling sore poison; Scabies is itchy; A fall injury; Blood stasis swelling pain; A venomous snake bite; Burns; Stasis abdominal pain


For internal use: decocted soup, 15-30g. External use: appropriate amount, fresh pound compress; Or fried water; Or at the end of the study.


1. Scabies itching: an arrow, dandelion, fish shovel string, lateral ear root, stewing eel suit. (" Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals ")2. Treating carbuncle at the beginning: an arrow, fish gall weed, Hua Tou weed, wild tobacco leaf, mash and compress. (" Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals ")3. Treat breast carbuncle: an arrow, dandelion each appropriate amount, smashed external application. 4. Treat boils and swelling: an arrow, cooked rhubarb each one money five points, four money on the grass, two money on buchaihu. The water decoction. 5. Treat venomous snake bite, nameless swelling poison: an arrow fresh amount, mash external application. 6. Cure infantile malnutrition: an arrow, make a gentleman, chicken gold, fried clothes. (Jiangxi Chinese Herbal Medicine)

Each paper

1. "Grass and wood stool Recipe" : clear heat and poison, remove wind and heat. Treat kidney cyst pain, malignant malignant swelling, chest and abdomen blood, snake venom. 2. "Classification of herbal medicine" : cure itching son, antiulcer toxin, fall injury, swelling toxin. 3. "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals" : clear heat and detoxify, eliminate carbuncle. Treat dog wounds, scabies.


Chinese Materia Medica
