
Chinese herbal medicine a little blood, "Chinese medicine dictionary" a little blood Chinese herbal medicine

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National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine: A little blood
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Diǎn Xue
The source was Begonia wilsonii Gagnep., a genus of Begonia in the Begonia family, which was used as medicine by rhizome. Rhizomes were harvested in autumn.
Habitat distribution in stream side or wet rock. It is distributed in Sichuan Province.
Original form perennial fleshy herb, 20-30 cm tall. The rhizomes are short and hypertrophic, slightly lumpy, with obvious ring stripes at the nodes, red in section, and multiple short and curved bearded roots. No stem. Basal leaves 1-2, long stalked, fleshy, membranous stipules ovate-lanceolate, brown, smooth. Leaf blade subrhomboid or obrhomboid, 10 -- 15 cm long, 10 -- 12 cm wide, apex pointed, base obrhombocordate, asymmetry on both sides, upper 3-7 lobed, lobes triangular, margin apiculate serrate, palmate main veins 5 -- 7, light green above, sparsely short prickles, slightly reddish purple below, visible reticular veins. Scapes drawn in summer, nearly as long as petioles, up to 20 cm. Cymose with apex, 5-6 flowers, pedicel slender, base with ovate-lanceolate bracteoles, flowers unisexual; Male perianth segments 4, inner and outer 2, outer perianth segments ovate, inner perianth segments elliptic, stamens 10-25, free; Female flowers with 3 perianth segments, 2 outer and 1 inner, outer perianth segments broadly ovoid, inner perianth segments ovoid to long oval, light red; Ovary spindle-conical, 3-ribbed, 3-loculated, each with many ovules, style 3, free. Capsule wingless.
Chemical constituents rhizomes showed strong reactions of cardiosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenols, sterols, triterpenes and saponins.
Wash, slice and dry. Set aside.
Sex taste sweet, bitter, flat.
Function: tonic Qi and spleen, nourish blood and stop bleeding. Postmortem weakness, coughing hemoptysis, functional uterine bleeding, leucorrhea.
Usage and dosage 0.5-1 liang.
Compound functional uterine bleeding: a little blood 4~5 liang or dry 2~3 liang, stew chicken to eat. Avoid cold, acid, alkali.
Excerpt from the National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine
"Chinese Medicine Dictionary" : A little blood
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Diǎn Xue
Alias red brick grass (" whole exhibition anthology · Obstetrics and Gynecology ").
Source: Annals of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Four Rivers
Source for begoniae plant a little blood begoniae root. After the autumn to dig, fresh or dry with.
Habitat distribution in the shade of the rock cracks and small valley bottom. Produced in sichuan.
Original form perennial herbaceous, tall 20 ~ 30 cm. Rhizome short and hypertrophy, ring, red section, fibrous roots. Root leaves 1-2, nearly rhomboid, lO ~ 15 cm long, lO ~ 12 cm wide, upper 3 ~ 7 lobed, lobes triangular, base cordate, margin apiculate serrate, green above, with very sparse short prickles, purplish below; Petiole smooth, base hypertrophy, 7 ~ 15 cm long; Stipules membranous, smooth, brown, ovoid lanceolate. The flowers are 6 to 7, pink, arranged in the shape of umbrella house, peduncle stout, root out, 10 to 20 cm long; Flowers monoecious; Male perianth 4 pieces, 2 inside and 2 outside, outer perianth ovoid, inner perianth long oval, stamens 10 ~ 16, free; Female flowers with 3 tepals, 1 inside and 2 outside, outer tepals broadly oval, inner tepals oval or long oval, ovary spindle-shaped, 3-ribbed, style 3, free. Capsule wingless. Flowering in July.
The dry rhizome is cylindrical, curved, brownish yellow in appearance, with twisted longitudinal wrinkles and fibrous root residues. Crisp, flat cross section, the center of a brown red center, like a point of blood.
The chemical composition contains strong cardiosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic components, sterols, triterpenoids, saponins.
Sex taste slightly cold, taste sweet and bitter, non-toxic.
Function: Blood production, blood circulation. Cure men and women weak, red insipidus, leucorrhea and women dry disease.
Usage and dosage Orally: stew meat, 0.5 ~ 1 liang.
Compound ① Cure weak belt: a little blood, a cloud. Study Song, stew clothing.
② Cure woman dry disease: a little blood, jade pod rong, deer bit grass, blue cloth is. Stewed chicken. (The following is "Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals")

The treatment of functional uterine bleeding: a little blood four to five, or dry two, three. Stewed chicken. (Selected from the Whole Exhibition · Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Excerpt from Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary
Chinese Materia Medica: A little blood
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Diǎn Xue
Alias red brick grass, a little red, stone drum, Vicky's begonia
From "Annals of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine"
Source of medicinal materials: Begoniae plant a little blood begoniae root.
Latin plant animal mineral name: Begonia wilsonii Gagn.

Harvesting and storage: After autumn, roots are dug, washed, sliced, dried or used fresh

Habitat Distribution Ecological environment: in wet rock.
Resource Distribution: Distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

Original form perennial herb, 20-30cm tall. No stem. Rhizome short and hypertrophic, transverse, slightly nodular, red section, with fibrous roots. Root leaves 1-2 pieces; Petiole 6-11cm long, brown tomentose; Leaf blade papery, subrhomboid or obrhomboid, 10 -- 15cm long, 10 -- 12cm wide, apex apical, base obrhombocordate, asymmetrical on both sides, apex 3-7 lobed, lobes triangular, margin apiculate serrate, green above, with very sparse short prickles, purplish below; Palmar veins 6-7 red. 6-7 flowers, pink corymbose arrangement, inflorescences root, 10-20cm long, flowers unisexual, monoecious, male perianth 4 pieces, inner perianth 2, outer perianth ovoid, inner perianth long oval; Stamens 10-15, free; Female tepals 3, 1 inside and 2 outside, outer tepals broadly ovate, inner tepals ovoid or banooval. Ovary spindle-shaped, 3-ribbed, style 3, free. Capsule, wingless. Flowering in July, fruiting in August.
Biological characteristics of cultivation prefer warm, damp environment. Loose and fertile moist loam rich in humus is suitable.
Cultivation techniques Propagation with rhizomes. In autumn, winter or early spring, combined with the selection of budding stems, cut into a small section of 3-7cm, according to the line spacing 25cm holes, deep 3-6cm, each hole planted 3 sections, into "product" shaped emissions, after planting soil or cover with soil mixed compost. In addition, can also use seed propagation, with the pick and sowing, after seedling transplanting.

Field management after the emergence of seedlings, ploughing weeding, winter seedlings must be applied manure or compost.

Traits Traits identification Rhizome stout transverse, irregular long port shape, about 2.7cm long, diameter about 2.1cm. Surface black brown or brown, dense fibrous roots, the base of the colonial stem with brown Yingji long villous. The texture is soft, easy to break, the cross section is red, the gas is micro, the taste is sweet and bitter.
flavonoids, tannins, phenols, sterils, triterpenes and saponins are the chemical constituents.[1]
Sex taste sweet; Bitter; Sex small cold
Function: nourish blood and replenish blood; Dispelling blood stasis and relieving pain. Weakness after the main illness; Internal lesion caused by overexertion. Blood deficiency and closure of meridian; Ren; Leucorrhea. Vomiting blood. Haemoptysis. Nosebleed. Traumatic bleeding; Swelling pain
Usage and dosage Orally: decocted soup, 15-30g; Minced sauce, stew, or dipping. External use: appropriate amount, fresh pound compress.
Excerpts from Chinese Materia Medica