
Chinese herb Solidago, "Chinese Medicine dictionary" Solidago Solidago Chinese medicine

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"National Chinese Herbal Medicine Compilation" : Goldenrod
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Zhī Huan Huā
Alias sticky paste dish, rag leaf [Yunnan], Jin Chai Hu [southwest], mountain thick He, tiger urine
Source: Solidago decurrens Lour.[S. virgaurea L var. leiocarpa (Benth.) A. Gray]. Take root and whole grass as medicine. Harvest in autumn and winter.
Habitat distribution on the hillside, roadside. Distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces and regions.
Original form perennial herbs, with stubby rhizomes, multiple roots, thin and curved, light brown. Stem erect, simple. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate or narrowly ovate, apex slightly cusp, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, margin shallowly serrate, with eyelashes, green above, light green below, both surfaces glabrous or slightly hairy at veins. From autumn to early spring, the flower heads are arranged in narrow long conical shape, involucre campanulate, bracts 3 rows, colorless membranous, central narrow green bar, involucre below membranous small bracts; Flowers yellow, ligulate flowers female, tubular flowers bisexual, achene all glabrous, very few at the end of the achene sparsely hairy.
Cultivation prefers cool climate, suitable for sandy loam or clay loam cultivation. Spring sowing in April, strip sowing, row spacing 0.8~1 feet, covered soil 2~3 minutes, per mu sowing about 1 jin and a half. After sowing, pay attention to watering, about 10 to 15 days to emerge. Seedling height 2 inches, thin seedling, plant spacing 4~6 inches. Seedling transplanting, can be sown in late March, a month and a half later transplanting, row spacing and direct seeding method the same. Fertilization can be carried out after seeding or transplantation, and can be applied human excrement and urine (1 load of human excrement and 3 loads of water) once.
Characters Perennial herbs, with stubby rhizomes, multiple roots, thin and curved, light brown. Stem erect, simple. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate or narrowly ovate, apex slightly cusp, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, margin shallowly serrate, with eyelashes, green above, light green below, both surfaces glabrous or slightly hairy at veins. From autumn to early spring, the flower heads are arranged in narrow long conical shape, involucre campanulate, bracts 3 rows, colorless membranous, central narrow green bar, involucre below membranous small bracts; Flowers yellow, ligulate flowers female, tubular flowers bisexual, achene all glabrous, very few at the end of the achene sparsely hairy.
The chemical composition contains flavonoids.
1. Antibacterial test: This decoction has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and diplococcus pneumoniae in the test tube.
2. For experimental tracheitis caused by ammonia mist in rabbits, take this decoction internally, which can relieve wheezing symptoms and also have expectorant effect.

3, diuresis: extract injected subcutaneously to mice, have diuresis effect, the dose is too large, but can reduce urine volume.

4. It has hemostatic effect on acute nephritis (hemorrhagic), which may be related to flavonoids contained in it.

5. Animal experiments show that Solidago has the effect of promoting white blood cell phagocytosis of bacteria.

Wash, dry and chop.
The taste is pungent, bitter and flat. Have a little poison.
Pay attention to pregnant women do not take.
Function indications: wind dispelling heat, detoxification and swelling. For upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis cough blood, acute and chronic nephritis, infantile malnutrition; External use to treat fall injury, snake bite, sores, swelling, mastitis.
Usage and dosage 0.3 to 1 liang, decocted. External use appropriate amount, fresh mash compress the affected area, or water decocted thick juice outside the skin.
Preparation SOLIDAGO YELLOW FLOWER INFUSION: TAKE SOLIDAGO YELLOW FLOWER WHOLE GRASS CHOPPED, ADD WATER TO BOIL 2 TIMES, EACH TIME 2 HOURS, FILTER, concentrate into extract. Add proper amount of dextrin to extract and spray into saccharin sodium aqueous solution. Mix well, dry and grind to a fine powder. Take fine powder and gradually add water to make granules and dry them (6 grams per bag, equivalent to 6 cents and 7 cents dry whole grass).
Compound 1, upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia: Solidago yellow flower 3 money, a little red 2 money. The water decoction.
2, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, laryngitis, boils swelling poison: Solidago huanghua powder, take 6 grams each time, twice a day.

3, tonsillitis: Solidago, white hair deer antler grass 1 two. The water decoction.

4. Asthmatic bronchitis in children: 0.5-1 liang each of Branchago and oxalis, 2 yuan each of dry ground dragon and loquat leaf. The water decoction.

5, tuberculosis cough blood: 2 two branches of goldenstick flower, rock sugar, water decoction, 1 dose a day, 2 times.

Remarks Solidago virgaurea L. Xinjiang, achenes of this species are densely tomenous. Only distributed in Xinjiang. Leaves contain rutin and quercitrin; Seeds contain saponins; Whole grass contains caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, quercetin, rutin, kaempferol glucoside, centaurea bisquoside (for caffeine-3, 5-disquoside, Cyanidin - 3, 5 - diglucoside). In addition still contain volatile oil and tannin.
Excerpt from the National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine

"Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary" : Solidago
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Zhī Huan Huā
Also known as Wild Yellow Chrysanthemum (" Nanning Medicine Annals "), mountain edge half branch incense, sprinkled golden flower (" Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine "), Yellow flower Asarum, Yellow Flower Yizhen Incense (" Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals "), 1000 En Huang (" Minnan Folk Herbal Medicine "), Soil Zeeland, 100 roots, Tiejin Guai "Quanzhou Materia Medica"), St.paulswortherb/common st.paulswort grass, small white tendrils, chrysanthemum malan, big disease, red bupleurum (" at the end of the hunan drugs "), yellow flower, red gum bitter lai (material medica) the mindong, a sweet, big leaf seven swords (guangdong traditional Chinese medicine), the king of the snake (Shanghai commonly used Chinese herbal medicine), golden key, mountain with yellow, yellow flowers (zhejiang folk are used such as herbs), yellow bupleurum (sichuan).
Source: Study on the Real Map of Plant Names
Source for the Compositae plant goldenrod flower of the whole grass or with roots of the whole grass. Harvest in summer and autumn.
Habitat distribution in the mountains, forest edge. It's found in most parts of the country.
Original form perennial herbaceous, 15 ~ 80 cm tall. Stem erect, lower part smooth glabrous, upper part slightly fuzz. Leaves alternate; Ovate to orbicular, 1 to 5 cm long, 0.2 to 2.5 cm wide, lower leaf stalked, very small serrate, upper leaf small and narrow, nearly entire, dark green above, grayish green below, both surfaces nearly smooth glabrous. Panicles, reassembled from axillary racemes; Heads small, 5 to 8 mm in diam., solitary or 2 to 4 clustered on short axillary stalks; Involucre narrow and pointed, with dry membranous margin, 2 ~ 5 mm long, variable in size, imbricate in sequence; Receptacle bare; Outer ligulate flowers yellow, female, ca. 8; Central tubular flowers, bisexual, corolla 5-lobed, anthers aggregated, base obtuse. Achene subcylindrical, bald or pilose. Flowering in October. Fruit in November.
To the "Mindong Materia Medica" : "into the liver, gallbladder meridian."
Sex tastes hard and cool.
① "Minnan Folk Herbal Medicine" : "Bitter, cold."

② "Shanghai commonly used Chinese Herbal Medicine" : "Hard, cool."

Function indications: thin wind, clear heat, detumescence and detoxification. Treat cold, headache, sore throat, jaundice. Whooping cough, infantile convulsion, injury, carbuncle swelling hair back, thrush.
"Plant name real map" : "wash swelling poison."

(2) "Nanning Medicine Annals" : "Clear heat and detoxify. Cure snake wound, Sha Qi, sores."

③ "Hunan Medicine" : "wind detoxification, fever, blood, swelling and pain."

④ "Mindong Materia Medica" : "Sweating solution table. Treat cold and heat, cold, head and body pain."

⑤ "Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine" : "Break the blood, pass through the orifice. For bruises, itchy skin, and sores."

Usage and dosage For internal use: decocted soup, 3 ~ 6 yuan (fresh o.7 ~ 1 liang). External use: pounded or decocted with water.
Compound ① to treat cold, sore throat, tonsillitis: - yellow branches spend three money to one or two. A decoction. (Common Chinese Herbs in Shanghai)
Treat head wind: a branch of yellow flower root three money. The water decoction. (Hunan Journal of Medicine)

The treatment of jaundice: Solidago yellow flower one or two or five money, water clove five money. Decocted in water, take it once. (Mindong Materia Medica)

(4) children with acute panic: fresh goldenrod one or two, ginger. Mash with juice, boiled water. (Mindong Materia Medica)

⑤ Treatment of fall injury: Solidago sprig root three to five money. Fry in water and take two servings.

⑥ Treatment of hair back, breast carbuncle, inguinal lymphoma: Solidago flower seven money to one or two. Mash, fried wine, slag mash compress the affected area.

⑦ treatment of carbuncle swelling ulceration carrion does not take off: a branch of yellow flower 22, one or two wild chrysanthemum root. Vinegar-fried sore.

⑧ Treat all swollen poison at the beginning: Solidago yellow flower 22. Fry water to wash, or use towel dip medicine juice warm compress the affected area.

⑨ Treatment of throat swelling: goldenrod costs seven yuan. Fry in water and add honey for one or two doses.

⑩ Treat poisonous snake bites: goldenrod or two. Fry in water and add honey for one or two doses. External use of whole grass and wine lees pestle rotten compress. (⑤ Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine is published below)

(11) cure thrush, gray nails, tinea pedis: goldenpole, with one to 22 every day, decocted thick juice, soak the affected part, half an hour each time, 1 to 2 times a day. Seven days for a course of treatment. (Common Chinese Herbs in Shanghai)

Clinical application ① as a heat-clearing and anti-inflammatory agent
Solidago flower WHOLE GRASS INJECTION, 2 ML EACH time (equivalent to 2 grams of HAY), intrAMUScular injection, 2 ~ 3 times a day, used for various surgical infections and major operation to prevent infection in 62 cases, are effective. No side effects were observed during the treatment. Or use the whole grass processed into powder, 6 grams per bag (equivalent to 6.7 yuan of hay), 2 ~ 3 times a day, 1 bag each time, children, reduce, with boiling water to take. 412 cases of upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, mastitis, lymphangitis, boils and poisons, prevention of infection after surgery and other acute inflammatory diseases were treated, and more than 92% of them were cured and improved. In clinical practice, oral decoction is also commonly used, each dose of fresh grass 20 percent hay 1 liang, 1 dose daily. Or decocted with Baiying, the treatment of cold; Or with the penetration of Zhong, fresh pine needle with decocting, to prevent a cold. Mixed with a little red into decoction, or with white hair summer subtilis, licorice prepared into capsules, treatment of pneumonia, enteritis and upper respiratory tract infection.

② Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Goldenrod WHOLE GRASS (dry) 1 two or (fresh) 2 two, water DECOCTED, 1 DOSE a day, 10 days for a course of treatment, even take 2 ~ 3 courses of treatment. 184 cases were treated, 16 cases were recently controlled, and 39 cases were significantly effective, accounting for 35.3%. After taking the drug, the pharynx and other discomfort, but most can disappear within 30 to 60 minutes, some also produce nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth, cough, hot urine, etc., if taken too much can cause diarrhea, can be self-healing after stopping the drug.

③ Treat traumatic bleeding

Dried with solidago, sprinkle on the wound; At the same time, take it internally, 1 ~ 2 money each time. 100 cases were treated and all were effective.

(4) Treatment of tinea pedis


Excerpt from Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary" : Solidago
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Zhī Huan Huā
Also known as Wild Yellow Chrysanthemum (" Nanning Medicine Annals "), mountain edge half branch incense, sprinkled golden flower (" Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine "), Yellow flower Asarum, Yellow Flower Yizhen Incense (" Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Annals "), 1000 En Huang (" Minnan Folk Herbal Medicine "), Soil Zeeland, 100 roots, Tiejin Guai "Quanzhou Materia Medica"), St.paulswortherb/common st.paulswort grass, small white tendrils, chrysanthemum malan, big disease, red bupleurum (" at the end of the hunan drugs "), yellow flower, red gum bitter lai (material medica) the mindong, a sweet, big leaf seven swords (guangdong traditional Chinese medicine), the king of the snake (Shanghai commonly used Chinese herbal medicine), golden key, mountain with yellow, yellow flowers (zhejiang folk are used such as herbs), yellow bupleurum (sichuan).
Source: Study on the Real Map of Plant Names
Source for the Compositae plant goldenrod flower of the whole grass or with roots of the whole grass. Harvest in summer and autumn.
Habitat distribution in the mountains, forest edge. It's found in most parts of the country.
Original form perennial herbaceous, 15 ~ 80 cm tall. Stem erect, lower part smooth glabrous, upper part slightly fuzz. Leaves alternate; Ovate to orbicular, 1 to 5 cm long, 0.2 to 2.5 cm wide, lower leaf stalked, very small serrate, upper leaf small and narrow, nearly entire, dark green above, grayish green below, both surfaces nearly smooth glabrous. Panicles, reassembled from axillary racemes; Heads small, 5 to 8 mm in diam., solitary or 2 to 4 clustered on short axillary stalks; Involucre narrow and pointed, with dry membranous margin, 2 ~ 5 mm long, variable in size, imbricate in sequence; Receptacle bare; Outer ligulate flowers yellow, female, ca. 8; Central tubular flowers, bisexual, corolla 5-lobed, anthers aggregated, base obtuse. Achene subcylindrical, bald or pilose. Flowering in October. Fruit in November.
To the "Mindong Materia Medica" : "into the liver, gallbladder meridian."
Sex tastes hard and cool.
① "Minnan Folk Herbal Medicine" : "Bitter, cold."

② "Shanghai commonly used Chinese Herbal Medicine" : "Hard, cool."

Function indications: thin wind, clear heat, detumescence and detoxification. Treat cold, headache, sore throat, jaundice. Whooping cough, infantile convulsion, injury, carbuncle swelling hair back, thrush.
"Plant name real map" : "wash swelling poison."

(2) "Nanning Medicine Annals" : "Clear heat and detoxify. Cure snake wound, Sha Qi, sores."

③ "Hunan Medicine" : "wind detoxification, fever, blood, swelling and pain."

④ "Mindong Materia Medica" : "Sweating solution table. Treat cold and heat, cold, head and body pain."

⑤ "Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine" : "Break the blood, pass through the orifice. For bruises, itchy skin, and sores."

Usage and dosage For internal use: decocted soup, 3 ~ 6 yuan (fresh o.7 ~ 1 liang). External use: pounded or decocted with water.
Compound ① to treat cold, sore throat, tonsillitis: - yellow branches spend three money to one or two. A decoction. (Common Chinese Herbs in Shanghai)
Treat head wind: a branch of yellow flower root three money. The water decoction. (Hunan Journal of Medicine)

The treatment of jaundice: Solidago yellow flower one or two or five money, water clove five money. Decocted in water, take it once. (Mindong Materia Medica)

(4) children with acute panic: fresh goldenrod one or two, ginger. Mash with juice, boiled water. (Mindong Materia Medica)

⑤ Treatment of fall injury: Solidago sprig root three to five money. Fry in water and take two servings.

⑥ Treatment of hair back, breast carbuncle, inguinal lymphoma: Solidago flower seven money to one or two. Mash, fried wine, slag mash compress the affected area.

⑦ treatment of carbuncle swelling ulceration carrion does not take off: a branch of yellow flower 22, one or two wild chrysanthemum root. Vinegar-fried sore.

⑧ Treat all swollen poison at the beginning: Solidago yellow flower 22. Fry water to wash, or use towel dip medicine juice warm compress the affected area.

⑨ Treatment of throat swelling: goldenrod costs seven yuan. Fry in water and add honey for one or two doses.

⑩ Treat poisonous snake bites: goldenrod or two. Fry in water and add honey for one or two doses. External use of whole grass and wine lees pestle rotten compress. (⑤ Jiangxi Folk Herbal Medicine is published below)

(11) cure thrush, gray nails, tinea pedis: goldenpole, with one to 22 every day, decocted thick juice, soak the affected part, half an hour each time, 1 to 2 times a day. Seven days for a course of treatment. (Common Chinese Herbs in Shanghai)

Clinical application ① as a heat-clearing and anti-inflammatory agent
Solidago flower WHOLE GRASS INJECTION, 2 ML EACH time (equivalent to 2 grams of HAY), intrAMUScular injection, 2 ~ 3 times a day, used for various surgical infections and major operation to prevent infection in 62 cases, are effective. No side effects were observed during the treatment. Or use the whole grass processed into powder, 6 grams per bag (equivalent to 6.7 yuan of hay), 2 ~ 3 times a day, 1 bag each time, children, reduce, with boiling water to take. 412 cases of upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, mastitis, lymphangitis, boils and poisons, prevention of infection after surgery and other acute inflammatory diseases were treated, and more than 92% of them were cured and improved. In clinical practice, oral decoction is also commonly used, each dose of fresh grass 20 percent hay 1 liang, 1 dose daily. Or decocted with Baiying, the treatment of cold; Or with the penetration of Zhong, fresh pine needle with decocting, to prevent a cold. Mixed with a little red into decoction, or with white hair summer subtilis, licorice prepared into capsules, treatment of pneumonia, enteritis and upper respiratory tract infection.

② Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Goldenrod WHOLE GRASS (dry) 1 two or (fresh) 2 two, water DECOCTED, 1 DOSE a day, 10 days for a course of treatment, even take 2 ~ 3 courses of treatment. 184 cases were treated, 16 cases were recently controlled, and 39 cases were significantly effective, accounting for 35.3%. After taking the drug, the pharynx and other discomfort, but most can disappear within 30 to 60 minutes, some also produce nausea, vomiting, dizziness, dry mouth, cough, hot urine, etc., if taken too much can cause diarrhea, can be self-healing after stopping the drug.

③ Treat traumatic bleeding

Dried with solidago, sprinkle on the wound; At the same time, take it internally, 1 ~ 2 money each time. 100 cases were treated and all were effective.

(4) Treatment of tinea pedis

"Chinese Materia Medica" : Goldenrod
Pinyin Zhuyin Yi Zhī Huan Huā
The alias Mr Huang, hillside and branch incense, sprinkle of asarum of golden flowers, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum a fragrance and thousand Huang (and earth turn ze LAN, one hundred root, iron, gold, prods grass, small white tendrils, chrysanthemum malan, big disease, red radix bupleuri, chrysanthemum seed, red gum sowthistle, a sweet, big leaf sword, king of the snake, golden key, the full mountain yellow, yellow flowers, and yellow radix bupleuri
English name Common Goldenrod Herb, Herb of Common Goldernrod
It's from the Real Map of Plant Names.
Base source: the whole grass or root of Solidago flower of Compositae.
Latin name of plant animal mineral: Solidago decurrens Lour. [Solidago pubescens Wall.; S.uirgaurea L. var.leiocarpa (Benth.) A. Gray]

Harvesting and storage: Sowing and middle year flowering, September - October flowering peak, cut the aboveground part, or dig root, wash, fresh or dry.

Habitat Distribution Ecological environment: in the hillside grassland, under the mountain, shrub at an altitude of 200-2850m.
Resource DISTRIBUTION: Distributed in East China, Central South, Southwest China, Shaanxi, Taiwan and other places.

Original form Solidago perennial herbs, 15-60cm tall. Stem erect, lower part smooth glabrous, upper part slightly fuzz. Leaves alternate; Ovate to orbicular, 1 -- 5cm long, 0.2 -- 2.5cm wide, lower leaf stalked, very minimal serrate, upper leaf smaller and narrow, nearly entire, dark green above, grayish green below, both surfaces nearly smooth glabrous. Panicles, reassembled from axillary racemes; Heads small, 5-8mm in diam., solitary or 2-4 clustered on short axillary stalks; Involucral bracts narrow and pointed, with dry membranous margins, 2 -- 5mm long, variable in size, imbricate in sequence; Receptacle bare; Outer ligulate flowers yellow, female, ca. 8; Central tubular flowers, bisexual, corolla 5-lobed, anthers aggregated, base obtuse. Achene subcylindrical, bald or pilose. Flowering in October. Fruit in November.
Cultivation biological characteristics like cool and humid climate, cold tolerance. It is advisable to cultivate loose and fertile sandy loam with rich humus and good drainage.
Cultivation techniques: seed and plant propagation. Seed propagation, seedling transplanting method: November to December harvest mature fruit branches, dry in the shade, threshing, Yang net, reserve, seedling in March, according to the row spacing 33cm open a ditch, evenly sow the seeds, thin cover fine soil, to cover no seeds as a degree, slightly suppress, then watering, cover grass moisturizing. Seedlings emerged after 10 to 15 days of sowing. When the seedlings were 3cm tall, they were superimposed with human excrement and colonized in early May. Holes were opened according to the line spacing of 24cm×24cm, and two plants were planted in each hole. Fractional propagation method; In spring, the whole plant is dug by using the turning stump, and the seedlings are divided and planted.

Field management in tillage weeding 4 times per year, combined with fertilization, can be in the new leaf stage, stem extraction stage, pregnancy bud stage of ammonium sulfate or human and animal manure, and appropriate soil. After harvest, manure, compost and garbage should be applied.

Pest control includes crickets, slugs and other pests.

Characters Character Identification Stem cylindrical, surface dark purplish red or gray green, longitudinally striated, smooth glabrous, stem end with thin hair; The quality is firm and brittle, easy to break, the section is fibrous, the center has loose white pulp. Leaves simple, alternate, lower leaves long petiolate, much abluent, upper leaves sessile or subsessile; Leaf blade broken and shriveled, yellow-green above, light green below, oval, oblong or lanceolate after flattened, 4-10cm long, 1.5-4cm wide, apex pointed, acuminate or blunt, base narrow and form winged petiole, edge has sharp serrate, upper leaf serrate flow to the entire margin, eyelashes. The head inflorescence collects the stem apex, arranges the raceme or the conical form, bracts 3 layers, membranous persistent, corolla yellow, abscisic, the crown hair yellowish white, exserted. The air is fragrant and bitter.
With more leaves, the color of green is better.

Microscopic identification of leaf surface: the lower epidermal cells have wavy curved anticlinal wall, keratinized texture, indefinite stomata, slightly sunken, and 3-5 accessory cells. The upper epidermal cells are polygonal, the pendant wall is slightly thickened in a rosary shape, red with horny texture, and the stomata are rare. There are two kinds of non-glandular hairs; The epidermal non-glandular hair is composed of three cells with thin walls, and the apical cell is usually shrunken into a small rat tail. The lashes of the leaf margin are composed of 3-5-7 cells with slightly thicker walls and 180-500μm long.

Toxicity Low toxicity, no side effects.
Chemical composition The aboveground part contains benzyl benzoate glycosides: Solidago (leiocarposide). The flower also contains benzyl benzoate as the component: 2, 3, 6-trimethoxybenzoic acid - (2-methoxybenzyl) ester (2-methoxybenzyl) 2, 3, 6-trime-thoxybenzoate), 2, 6-dimethoxybenzoic acid - (2-methoxybenzyl) ester (2-methoxybenzyl-2, 6-dimethoxybenzoate, benzyl-2, 6-dimethoxybenzoate, 2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate, Benzyl-2, 6-dimethoxybenzoate, benzyl-2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate (benzyl-2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoate), the stem contains components similar to those of flowers. In addition to the eradication of benzyl 2, 6-dimethoxy-benzoate, 2, 3, 6-trimethoxy-benzoate - (2-methoxy-benzyl) ester, 2-hydroxy-6-methoxy-benzoate benzyl, and cinnamyl cinnamyl angelica acid esters: Cinnamyl angelate (3, 5-dimethoxy-4-acetoxycinnamyl), and cinnamyl cinnamate (3, 5-dimethoxy-4-acetoxycinnamyl). Cinnamyl angelate (3-methoxy-4-acetoxycinnamyl); Components of alkyne compounds: (2Z,8Z) -decadien-4, 6-dialkynyl acid methyl ester [methl(2Z,8Z) -Decadien-4, 6-diynoate], (2E,8Z) -decadien-4, 6-diynoate [methyl(2E,8Z)-decaden-4, 6-diynoate]; Sterol component: sitosterol.
1. Antibacterial effect The decoction (the variety is not identified) has different degrees of antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shusheni and dysenteribacter Sonnei in the test tube.
2. Effect of the decoction on experimental tracheitis (formed by inhalation of ammonia vapor) in rabbits when taken internally, it has therapeutic effect, relieving wheezing state, disappearing wheezing sound and alleviating dry rales. Because contain saponin, still have some expectorant effect.

3. Diuretic effect of the extract on mice subcutaneous injection has diuretic effect, but the dose is too large can reduce the urine volume. Oral administration is also effective. It also works with people. Failure of storage.

4. Other effects have hemostatic effect on acute (hemorrhagic) nephritis, which may be related to flavonoids or chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. External use can treat wounds, may be related to its volatile oil or tannins.

Process and take whole grass or whole grass with root, wash, dry, cut off and set aside. Can also be used fresh.
Identification physical and chemical identification (1) Take 1g of this product powder, add water to boil, make 1% water immersion, after vigorous shaking, there is persistent foam. (Check the saponins) (2) Take 5g of this product powder, add 25ml methanol to reflux for 20min, and filter. Add a few drops of hydrochloric acid and a little magnesium powder to 1ml filtrate, and gradually show red reaction. (Check flavonoids) (3) Thin layer chromatography (TLC) the methanol extract was concentrated to 1:1 as the test solution. The methanol solution of rutin was also used as the reference solution. The test solution and the control solution were placed on the same polyamide film (Huangyan, Zhejiang). Spread with acetone-methanol-water (2:1:1) with a span of 10cm. First, the test solution was observed under the ultraviolet lamp (254nm), and the test solution showed the same red-brown fluorescence spots on the corresponding position of the chromatogram as the control solution. Spray with 1% aluminium trichloride agent after baking dry, spots turn bright yellow.
Sex, taste, taste; Bitter; Sex is cool
Note that the spleen and stomach are deficient and cold. Use with caution if loose stools are thin.
Function treating wind and heat dissipation; Detoxification and swelling. Main wind heat cold; Have a headache. A sore throat; Lung fever cough; Jaundice; Diarrhea; Thermal spray; Carbuncles, swelling and sores; snakebite
Usage and dosage For oral administration: decocted soup, 9-15g, fresh food 20-30g. External use: appropriate amount, fresh pound compress; Or fried juice on the skin.
Compound 1. Treat cold, sore throat, tonsillitis: Solidago yellow flower three money to one or two. A decoction. (" Shanghai Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicine ")2. Solidago yellow flower root three money. The water decoction. (" Hunan Medicine Annals ")3. Treatment of jaundice: Solidago yellow flower one or two or five money, water clove five money) water decocting, once taken. (" Mindong Materia Medica ")4. Treatment of children panic: fresh goldenrod one or two, ginger. Mash with juice, boiled water. (" Mindong Materia Medica ")5. Treatment of fall injury: Solidago yellow flower root 3 to 5. Fry in water and take two servings. 6. Treatment of hair back, breast carbuncle, inguinal lymphoma: Solidago flower seven money to one or two. Mash, fried wine, slag mash compress the affected area. 7 treatment of carbuncle swelling ulceration carrion does not take off: a spp. yellow flower 22, one or two wild chrysanthemum root. Vinegar-fried sore. 8. Treatment of all swelling toxin at the beginning: Solidago yellow flower 22. Fry water to wash, or use towel dip medicine juice warm compress the affected area. 9 treatment of throat swelling poison: goldenrod seven money. Fry it in water and apply it with honey. 10. Treatment of venomous snake bite: 1