
Chinese herbal medicine a year Peng, "National Chinese Herbal medicine compilation" a year Peng Chinese herbal medicine

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One year, peng
"National Chinese Herbal Medicine Compilation"
Phonetic symbols

Yi Nian Pen ɡ

The alias

Wild Artemisia, cure malaria grass


Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., a plant of the genus Erigeron annuus (L.) pers. Summer and autumn collection.

Habitat distribution

It grows on hillsides and in fields. For naturalized plants, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and provinces north and south of the Yangtze River have more wild.

The original form

Biennial materia medica, 20-100 cm tall, covered with smooth coarse hairs. Stem erect, superficially branched. Basal leaves clustered, petiole 2-3 cm long, leaf blade ovate or obovate-lanceolate, 4-15 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, apex pointed or obtuse, base narrow decurrent, margin irregularly coarsely toothed, cauline leaves lanceolate or striate-lanceolate, petiole gradually shortened upward to sessile. Autumn white purple flowers, heads arranged in cymbiform panicles, branches with striate, entire and fringed bracts. Heads ca. 1.5 cm in diam., involucral hemispherical; Lingual strong flowers 2 to several layers, banded, with only short outer crown hairs, tubular flowers with 2 layers of crown hairs, inner crown hairs as long as the tube, outer crown hairs short. Receptacle slightly raised, with fine points. Achene coat.

Chemical composition

Flowers contain apigenin (5,7,4' -trihydroxyl brass). In addition, it still contains luteolin.


To dry.

Sexual flavour

Bitter, cold.

Function of the attending

Clearing heat and detoxifying, anti-malaria. Acute gastroenteritis, malaria; Topical for gingivitis, snake bite.


1 to 2 two; For external use, fresh tamping juice on the affected area or tamping external application.


National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine

"Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine" : Rhizoma annuum
Phonetic symbols

Yi Nian Pen ɡ

The alias

Female aster, Wild Artemisia (Herb Planting Annals of Chinese Medicine), Yatuxiao, Yatuanxiao (Folk Herbs of Nanjing), Qianzhang Grass, Wallhead grass, Longhairy grass, Chinese cabbage, Oil hemp Grass, White Malan (Common Folk Herbs of Zhejiang).


Common Herbal Medicine of Zhejiang Folk


The whole grass and root of a chrysanthemum species.

Habitat distribution

Born on the side of a road, on a wild hillside. Distributed in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei and other places.

The original form

Herbs biennial. Stems erect, 30 to 90 cm tall, pubescent all over. Basal leaf eggs ovo-lanceolate, 4 to 15 cm long, 1.5 to 3 cm wide, apex pointed or obtuse, base narrow into pterylate; Cauline leaves alternate, lanceolate or linear. Lanceolate, apex pointed, margin dentate. Regular or irregular, short or sessile; Stem upper leaves are mostly linear, entire, ciliate. Inflorescences capitate, arranged in corymbose, ca. 1.5 cm in diameter; Involucral bracts hemispherical, bracts linear; Outer margin ligulate flowers, 2 to serial, ligule linear, white or purplish, pistil 1, stigma 2 split into shape, outer row crown hair short, inner row crown hair block as; Central tubular flower, yellow, apex 6-lobed, stamens 5, pistils 1, stigma 2 lobed and flat, with 2 rows of coronal hairs, long inside and short outside, receptol slightly raised, with fine spots. Achene flat, edge ribbed. Flowering from May to November.

Pharmacological effects

The water extract of stem and leaf washed with petroleum ether, diethyl ether and chloroform has hypoglycemic effect.

Sexual flavour

"Zhejiang Folk herbal Medicine" : "flat sex, light taste."

Function of the attending

Clear heat and detoxify, help digestion. Treat dyspepsia, enteritis, diarrhea, infectious hepatitis, lymphadenitis, hematuria.

① "Nanjing Folk Herbs" : "Root, crushed compress gum swelling."

② "Zhejiang folk herbal medicine" : "digestion, diarrhea, detoxification, hemostasis."


For internal use: decocted soup, 1 ~ 2 liang.


(1) Cure dyspepsia: five to six money a year. The water decoction.

The treatment of gastroenteritis: one year Peng 22, houttuynia, dragon bud grass each one or two. Water fry, flush honey clothing, morning and evening once.

The treatment of lymphadenitis: one year Pengji leaves three to 42, plus rice wine one to 22, water fried clothing.

(4) Treatment of hematuria: one year Peng fresh whole grass or root one or two. Add honey and water and fry for three days. (The selected party is "Folk Herbs Commonly Used in Zhejiang Province")

Clinical application of

① Cure malaria

Two pieces of tarpaulin a year, decocted with water for about 300 ml, and taken once 4 hours and 2 hours before the onset of malaria, for 5 to 7 days. 84 cases were treated and 78 cases (92.9%) were cured. Among them, 76 cases of vivax malaria were cured in 72 cases (94.7%). 8 cases of falciparum malaria were cured in 6 cases (7O %). Fresh year straw is better than hay. Its antimalarial effect is only effective against the intracellular Plasmodium.

② Treatment of acute infectious hepatitis

2 liang a year, decocted into 300 ml, twice a day, 2 weeks for a course of treatment, even take more than two courses; Or with a year Peng 5 money plus water thick decocted paste, add wormwood powder 2.5 money, mixed into tablets, 3 times a day, the course of treatment is the same as above. 37 cases were treated with decoction, 22 cases were cured, 1 case had obvious effect, and 7 cases were improved. The average cure time was 43.5 days, the time of yelization and the time of transaminase returning to normal were about 2 weeks. 10 cases were treated with tablets, 6 cases were cured and 3 cases were improved. The average yellowing time was 19.5 days, and the transaminase returned to normal in 20.2 days.


Chinese Traditional Medicine Dictionary

"Chinese Materia Medica" : A year
Phonetic symbols

Yi Nian Pen ɡ

The alias

Aster, Artemisia vulgaris, Yatuxiaoxiao, Yatuxiaoxiao, Qianzhang grass, Wallhead grass, long hair grass, Chinese cabbage, oil hemp grass, white Mala orchid, Qianceng Tower, Cure malaria grass, Doze grass, white overflower

The English name

Herb of Annual Fleabane, Annual Fleabane Herb


From "Zhejiang Folk Herbal Medicine"


Medicinal material base source: for the whole grass of Compositae plant a year.

Latin plant animal mineral name: Erigeron annuus(L.) Pers.[Aster an-nuus L.]

Harvesting and storage: Summer and autumn harvest, washed, fresh or dried.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: in hillside, roadside and field. Native to America.

Resource DISTRIBUTION: DISTRIBUTED IN JILIN, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, HENAN, HUBEI, Hunan, SICHUAN AND Xizang.

The original form

Herbs annual or twofold, 30-100cm tall. Stem erect, superficially branched, whole plant covered with short stiff hairs. Basal leaves oblong or broadly ovate, 4 -- 17cm long and 1.5 -- 4cm wide, margin coarsely dentate, base tapering into winged petiole; Middle and upper leaves smaller, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 1 -- 9cm long, 0.2 -- 2cm wide, margin irregularly dentate cleft, short petiole or without petiole; Uppermost leaf usually striate, entire, with eyelashes. Inflorescences arranged in paraflow or panicle; Involucral bracts hemispherical; Involucre 3-layered, leathery, densely covered with long straight nodes; Ligulate flowers in 2 layers, white or pale blue, ligule striate; Bisexual coleform, yellow. Achene lanceolate, compressed; The crown hairs of female flowers are very short and membranous, and the crown hairs of bisexual flowers are 2 layers, the outer layer is scaly, the inner layer is 10-15 setae about 2mm, and the flowering period is from June to September.


The identification root is conical, branched, yellowish brown, with most fibrous roots. All sparse coarse hair. The stem is cylindrical, 40-80cm long, 2-4mm in diameter, yellow-green surface, longitudinal edges, brittle, easy to break, the section has a large white pith. The leaves are simple and alternate, the leaves are crumpled and broken, and the intact ones are lanceolate and yellow-green after flattening. Some in the top of the branches and leaf axils can be seen in a corymbose or panicle, flowers light brown. The air is slight and the taste is slightly bitter.

Chemical composition

The whole grass contains pyromeconic acid; Flowers contain quercetin, apigenin-7-glucro-nide [1], apigenin [2].

Pharmacological effects

4mg (extract) /ml of the water-soluble fraction of total flavonoids from L. anica could significantly inhibit the contractile state of isolated porcine coronary arteries induced by 15-methylprostaglandin F2α, and the time required for 50% reduction of tension was (106±41) min[1].

The water extract of stem and leaf washed with Shishan ether, diethyl ether and chloroform has hypoglycemic effect [2].

The 100% decoction, using the plate paper method, has inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella dysenteriae [3].

Belong to the

To the stomach; E. the

Sexual flavour

Gan; Bitter; Sex is cool

Function of the attending

Digestion and diarrhea; Clearing heat and detoxifying; Malaria. Major dyspepsia; Gastroenteritis. Gingivitis; Malaria; snakebite


For internal use: decocted soup, 30-60g. External use: appropriate amount, tamping compress.


1. Cure indigestion: five to six money a year. The water decoction.

2. Treatment of gastroenteritis: one year Peng 22, houttuynia, dragon bud grass each one or two. Water fry, flush honey clothing, morning and evening once.

3. Treatment of lymphadenitis: one year Pengji leaves three to 42, add rice wine one to 22, water fried clothing.

4. Treatment of hematuria: one year Peng fresh whole grass or root one or two. Add honey and water and fry for three days. (Selected from "Zhejiang Folk Herbs Commonly Used")

Clinical application of

1. Treatment of malaria: 2 taels per year, decocted with water about 300ml, take it once every 4 hours and 2 hours before the onset of malaria, for 5-7 days. 84 cases were treated and 78 cases (92.9%) were cured. Among them, 76 cases of vivax malaria were cured in 72 cases (94.7%). Falciparum malaria was found in 8 cases, and 6 cases (75%) were cured. Fresh year straw is better than hay. Its antimalarial effect is only effective against the intracellular Plasmodium.

2. For the treatment of acute infectious hepatitis, 2 taels a year, decocted into 300ml, divided twice a day, 2 weeks as a course of treatment, more than 2 courses of treatment; Or with a year Peng 5 money plus water thick decocted paste, add wormwood powder 2.5 money, mixed into tablets, 3 times a day, the course of treatment is the same as above. 37 cases were treated with decoction, 22 cases were cured, 1 case had obvious effect, and 7 cases were improved. The average cure time was 43.5 days, the time of yelization and the time of transaminase returning to normal were about 2 weeks. 10 cases were treated with tablets, 6 cases were cured and 3 cases were improved. The average yellowing time was 19.5 days, and the transaminase returned to normal in 20.2 days.

Each paper

1. "Nanjing Folk Herbs" : root, crushed compress gum swelling. 2. "Zhejiang Folk Herbs" : digestion, diarrhea, detoxification, hemostasis.


Chinese Materia Medica