
Chinese herbal medicine a silk, "Chinese Materia Medica" a silk Chinese herbal medicine

Submitted by 药草吧 on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 16:36


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"National Chinese Herbal Medicine Compilation" : a silk
Phonetic symbols

Yi P ǐ Chou

The alias

Chicken with white face and silk with white back


Argyreia acuta Lour is an argyreia acuta lour of the Convolvulaceae family, which is medicated with its whole grass, roots, vines and leaves. The whole grass can be picked year round and dried, or dried separately.

Sexual flavour

Slightly sour, slightly bitter, cool.

Function of the attending

Dispelling wind diuresis, phlegm and cough, hemostasis and activating collars, pulling out poison and living muscle. For nephritis edema, cirrhosis ascites, rheumatic pain, internal injury vomiting blood, leakage, leucorrhea, acute and chronic bronchitis, fall injury; External use for mastitis, boils and abscesses, eczema.


2 ~ 5 money; Apply fresh leaves to the affected area after scalding or decocting water.


National Compilation of Chinese Herbal Medicine

"Chinese Materia Medica" : a silk
Phonetic symbols

Yi P ǐ Chou

The alias

White face water chicken, white back silk, white bottom silk, silk cane, silver back cane, white back silk, white back cane, white back leaf, white peony, silver back leaf, silk and satin leaves, silk and satin wood leaves


Medicinal material base source: for convolvulaceae plant white crane vine stem leaves.

Latin botanical animal mineral name: Argyreia acuta Lour. [A. festiva Wal1.; Lettmia festiva (Wall.) Benth.et Hook.f.]

Harvesting and storage: year-round or summer, autumn harvest, fresh or dried.

Habitat distribution

Ecological environment: in sparse forest or roadside thickets, riverside.

Resource Distribution: Distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.

The original form

White crane vine, climbing shrubs. Branchlets usually cylindrical, silvery white sericeous, old branches yellowish brown, glabrous. Leaves simple and alternate; Petiole 1.5-6cm long, silvery sericeous; Leaf blade elliptic or ovate, 5-11cm long, 3-8cm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base rounded or microcordate, leaf surface glabrous, abaxially densely silvery sericeous, entire; Lateral veins up to 8 pairs. Cymes axillary or terminal, total pedicel and pedicel covered with silvery sericeous hairs; Bracts elliptic or ovoid, outside silvery sericeous; Flowers bisexual; Calyx 5, divided into inner and outer whorls, sepals ovate, unequal; Corolla funnel-shaped, white, corolla 5-lobed, calyx and corolla covered with silvery white silk hairs; Stamens 5, at base of corolla tube 6-7mm; Ovary subglobose, 2-loculed, glabrous, style ca. 2cm long, stigma capitate, 2-lobed. Fruit globose, 8mm in diam., red, surrounded by enlarged sepals, sepals raised, inner face red. Seeds 4-2, egg - shaped triangular, brown. Flowering from June to September.


Character identification: Vine stems are thin cylindrical, often twisted, varying in length, usually cut into short segments, about 5cm in length, 0.5-1.5m in diameter, dark gray brown surface, longitudinal furrow lines, light brown section, the wood can be seen needle hole. Leaves curled or broken, ovate to elliptic when flattened, 5-11cm long, 3-9cm wide, apex acute or obtuse rounded, base rounded or slightly cordate, dark brown to purple above, pale grayish green below, appressed with mercerous hairs, soft to touch; Petiole 2-3.5cm long. Inflorescences are sometimes seen, corolla funnel-shaped, rachis, flowers to, corolla densely mercerized. It's brittle and fragile. The breath is slight and the taste is bitter. To vine young and tender stems, leaves for the better.

Sexual flavour

Sheen; Slightly bitter; cool

Function of the attending

Dispel wind and dehumidify; Phlegm and cough; Dispersing stasis and stopping bleeding; Detoxify and remove carbuncle. Main rheumatism arthralgia; Edema; Inflation; Cough and wheezing phlegm; Taken down. Ren; Internal injury vomiting blood; Fall and accumulation stasis; Milk carbuncle; Boil; Bad feet; eczema


For internal use: decocted soup, 9-15g. External use: appropriate amount, tamping or water to wash.


Chinese Materia Medica
